Kaiser Fung - Data Viz Consulting Makeovers


Kaiser Fung - Data Viz Consulting Makeovers

from $49.99

Standard Order
Upload a chart, and I will send you ideas for improvement, including sketches for the make-over (if appropriate). You will receive feedback within 3 to 5 business days after I obtain all relevant information. The fee is $49.99 per chart. After the fee is paid, use this form to upload the materials and start the process.

Online Live Consult
I am also available for a follow-up live consultation via Skype to discuss the chart make-over and answer further questions. The fee is $199 for a 30-minute session. Please make a separate order for this. I will email you to set up an appointment.

Special 10-Pack Offer
Order a 10-pack, and get a 20% discount. I will provide guidance on 10 charts within 12 months after the order date. If you do not fully use the service within 12 months, the remaining value will be forfeited.

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